As many know, I'm an avid angler of South Creek (A major vein to the Hawksbury River) recently a there has been a real problem happening along this Creek that has not just outraged myself... but outraged a whole community of Bass Anglers from the area and outside of the area.
An abandoned factory fire in Dunheved on 17th January is suspected to have leaked Methanol into drainage and therefore into South Creek. The drains surrounding the factory should have been shut off to contain the spill and prevent contamination entering the waterway. 

The Council of Penrith made an original statement stating that it was cooking oil that entered the waterway. I believe this to be false. Not sure what's happening here but cooking oil will not discolour the fish as they lat on the surface dead. Lizards. Turtles. Snakes. Fish. Birds... they are all dying from direct contact with this waterway. The stench of the water is terrible. Black Water (Dead water) is flooding the creek, as of today i done a full interview with a Newspaper company and also a photoshoot onsite today at Richmond Road bridge and the Black Water is terrible. It sits inside the creek (a run off from the main South Creek) like an oil slick..jpg)
As of last week, the presence of chemicals burnt your eyes and nose. There is a huge community of Fisherman in Western Sydney and also outside of Western Sydney who are outraged and want answers.
I have a link provided to read the story of the factory fire:
Now Penrith Councilhave made a statement on their website that says "It is cooking oil that has contaminated the waterway". This is absolute lies! what cooking oil does this to fish?
As you can see first hand, the Black Water and decomposed fish! The fish are so badly decomposed in just over a week since the fire that when we removed an Eel from the water, it just went to sludge in the net. I have never seen a fish decompose like that in such a short time span. The chemical is rotting them from the inside out!
If you look at the photo, you can see where the Black Water (Dead water) meets the main current where the rainwater is flowing over the top of the dead water but the nook in little creek has no flow cause it dies down and becomes shallow upstream to a small run-off, so the Black water is just sitting there! But, tell me now? is this caused from cooking oil as first stated by Penrith Council? No! This is chemical related.
I has an an onsite interview and photo shoot at Richmond Road today with a Newspaper Company, I am withholding the name of, that will be running a full story on the South Creek contamination, and have also been contacted by a correspondent from a Television Network, that I am also withholding the name of,.. All will be reported shortly.
Stay tuned for an update!
South Creek Contamination Spill reaches front cover of three newspapers!
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